16. November 2023

16. November, 18 - 21 Uhr
Group Show
Artists: Jana Vanecek, Benjamin Egger
Curators: Heiko Schmid

In the context of a collaboration with Zurich art space VC7 openspace, KUNSTSURFER presents the work of two artists in a physical space: Benjamin Egger and Jana Vanecek. Both artists were featured in solo exhibitions for the KUNSTSURFER add-on the past months. The artworks are made accessible offline in the form of a one-day presentation at VC7 openspace as well as via the KUNSTSURFER add-on. KUNSTSURFER’s event hence works as a In-Real-Life entrance for the online exhibitions. It connects and re-contextualises artistic works online with the ones on site.

The juxtaposition of Benjamin Egger and Jana Vanecek's works highlights their common focus on the inconceivable relations of technologies and (other) non-human actors. Concepts of alienation and proximity, visions of non-human actors are strongly visible in both artistic positions and define the focus of the group show.

Verena-Conzett-Strasse 7, 8004 Zürich, Schweiz